Hot Mama...(literally)

It's summer and you're pregnant.  All of a sudden there is a deep love/hate relationship with this season while you are expecting.  It is so nice to have the sun shining as you think about hitting the pool or beach (depending on where you are).  However, if you were one to enjoy the heat of a nice summer day in the past you may find yourself trying to escape it now.  Here are a few suggestions we found to be helpful in beating the heat during the hot days of summer.

~Try to stay away from clothes made of polyester, blended and synthetic fibres. These fabrics do not allow the skin to breathe as well as natural fabrics

~Choose loose-fitting clothing in fabrics that let your body breathe.  Such as cotton, cotton voile and linen   (refer back to our maxi blog from last month)

~STAY HYDRATED.  Throw some cucumber or lime slices in your water, or opt for some coconut water.  Whatever you do just drink fluids and not sodas or coffees that will de-hydrate you

~A refreshing cold fruit salad or some raw vegetables is a great option. Aside from being high in vitamins and minerals they also contain a lot of water.  Better yet whip up a smoothie!

~Run your wrists under a cold tap to cool your pulse points, or use a cool wet towel on your forehead and the back of your neck

~Fill up the kids pool in the back with cool water and dip your feet in or make your way to the pool if its an option and swim (or float)

Stay cool... Figuratively and literally! 



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