Whats in YOUR (hospital) Bag?

The time has come.  You are finally approaching your due date (or maybe you are totally ahead of the game and you are only 30 weeks but just want to be prepared) and beginning to think about packing that hospital bag.  Your first time around there are always questions as to what exactly should go in there.  I must say my bag the second time around was WAY more thought out than the first time.  My first time I had the basic necessities; pjs, comfy clothes to come home in, shampoo, conditioner and brush.  THEN, came round 2!


The second time I was so prepared to make it a trip of pure luxury.  Round 2 I had pjs, a nursing tank (so great because it offers nursing access with really great coverage and less exposure than just a nursing bra), nipple cream, nursing pillow, MY pillow from home with a cozy pillow case, socks with grippers on the bottom AND slippers, my own bath towel (that wasn't stiff and white) the necessary toiletries, a cozy outfit to come home in and lastly, (anticipating a 2nd c-section even though I was trying a VBAC) 2 pair of the oh-so amazing C-Panty!



Whether you are a minimalist or a self proclaimed princess, consider these things a must for making that hospital stay (whether 1 night or 4) as comfortable as possible...


From one mama to the next... ROCK on mamas and be good to yourself!!




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